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War Bear in the Wild

The War Bear is back!

1600 + high-resolution images ready for you to use

Joshua is the model for this set and the previous set was one of my most popular so far. We headed up to the canyon near my studio and shot a ton of photos. The light was gorgeous that day, but a little weak in the canyon, so the pictures will have a little more grain than in my studio.

There are also a lot of subtle variations of the same pose. I thought about trimming down the photo count, but figured that more is better because sometimes a small change in the expression or pose of the hand might be just what you need for a study or reference for a finished work

  • The images come without copyright restriction when re-interpreted into your own work, but the photos themselves may not be republished, sold, or distributed.

** If you would like to, please tag me on social media @howardlyonart when you use the reference images. I will be happy to retweet, like, and comment on your posts, but more than that it lets me share your art with the model!

You will get 1 file

All files previously purchased will always be available for download in your Library

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