Calling All 2D Artists- Wanna Up Your Game?

Calling All 2D Artists- Wanna Up Your Game?

Ever heard that annoying phrase, "practice makes perfect?" We agree, it's a little cliche' and obvious BUT it's also true. With constantly emerging tools and progressing technology- especially in the world of 2D art- it's easy to fall behind. And while no one can take your talent, you could end up using antiquated techniques that put you behind the curve. That's why it's important to keep learning and growing in your craft. Here are some killer artists that can help keep you on your toes. 

Clint Cearley

Creator of Swatches art education as well as a freelance illustrator/concept artist with frequent works for Magic: The Gathering, Clint Cearley is an experience artist who offers up his knowledge with over 20 highly rated tutorials.

Svetlana Tigai

Svetlana Tigai (or Tsvetka) is a freelance illustrator with a specialty in 2D computer graphics. She offers numerous top rated brush packs and tutorials at an affordable price.

John Park

John Park is a concept artist working in the video game and film industry. Lucky for you, he offers 76 tutorials so you get to benefit from his wide ranging expertise.

Tyler Edlin

If you want to get started with the fundamentals of design or learn how to paint different landscapes, Tyler Edlin's store is where you need to be.


Industry vet, Xaxaxa offers her experience with these killer tutorials on character creation.

Clayton Barton

Realizing the rewarding feeling of giving back, Clayton Barton devoted several years of his life to teaching aspiring artists and providing all his best strategies and techniques for Comic Book Illustration, Digital Painting and Concept Design.

Jonathan Berube

Interested in learning art for movies? Jonathan Berube is a French Canadian Director and Creative Director based in Los Angeles, California. Former VFX Art Director of Blizzard Cinematic, Jonathan is now part of James Cameron's design team on the Avatar Sequels.

James Gurney

James Gurney is author and illustrator of New-York-Times bestselling "Dinotopia" and "Color and Light," Amazon’s #1 bestselling book on painting for over 150 weeks. Basically, if you're wanting to dive into 2D- you couldn't find a better teacher.


Proko tutorials are entertaining and educational. Part of their believe is that if you enjoy the learning process, you learn better, retain more information, pay attention, and are more likely to go back and re-watch tutorials. They put these beliefs whole heartedly into their vast tutorial options.


A digital artist who specializes in drawing and designing female characters, Loish's tutorials are among the top rated on Cubebrush.

Marc Brunet

Founder of Cubebrush, Marc Brunet spares no piece of knowledge when it comes to teaching. He offers 60 products mixing assets and tutorials so you can get a well-rounded education.