Cubebrush's Featured Seller of the Month- Noah Bradley

Cubebrush's Featured Seller of the Month- Noah Bradley

Simply put, Noah Bradley is a creator. With over 12 years in the industry, he strives to create resources to help other artists in their craft. His references packs, tutorials, and brush sets have been popular among the Cubebrush community and beyond which is why he is our seller of the month. 

Can you tell us why you decided to join Cubebrush?

I was approached around the time y'all launched and absolutely loved the idea of a dedicated space for artists to find and share resources. It's an important thing that has fundamentally changed how artists learn and create work. So I knew I wanted to contribute to that.

What is your favorite feature on the site and why?

I love how easy it is to browse different categories of resources—sometimes I don't know exactly what sort of resource I'd love to find until I see it! So getting to easily shop around like that is a blast.

Can you tell us a little about the products you offer? 

Most of what we offer these days are reference pictures for creators. They're well lit, posed, and often costumed reference pictures to help creators of all sorts make better work. They're wonderful for both studies and photobashing into pieces. We put a lot of effort into getting the costumes and lighting just right for each of our packs, as well as providing hundreds of different poses and angles.

Have a favorite? Why?

I'm personally partial to our Hands reference pack. It's an incredible resource and I always love seeing people use it. It's great seeing our hands sneaking their way into all sorts of art!

What’s been your marketing strategy for your art?

Putting myself out there as often and as honestly as I can. Trying to be everywhere. And trying to help other people as much as I can. I figure if I put enough good stuff out there, it'll come back to me.

Follow Noah on Twitter or Instagram

How has that translated to your Cubebrush store? 

By trying to make the best resources that we can—the kind that we personally would love to have and use. And we do! We've loved using our own products, which I think is one of the best testaments to our faith in our reference.

Eyeing up any other artists on the site? 

Proko always puts out incredible resources. He's a huge inspiration for us in trying to create great figurative art reference.

How did you start building your following? Do you think that’s important to the success of your store?

By trying to help as much as we can. That's a big one. It takes a lot of effort, but we love to help and teach wherever we can and people have always responded to that. People are attracted to that encouraging, positive vibe we try to put out there.

Have any advice for ambitious artists out there?

Work really hard and keep at it! Do tons of studies from life and from reference. If you keep that up and keep pushing yourself to create better work, it'll happen for you.

For more amazing products check out Cubebrush Weekly Digest 💎 Game Characters, Stock Photos, Brushes