Cubebrush's Featured Seller of the Month- Viorie

Cubebrush's Featured Seller of the Month- Viorie

Cubebrush Seller, Viorie, or as she's affectionately known by friends and family, Rose,  is a 20 year old digital artist living in the UK. She's been freelancing since 2015 primarily focusing on illustration. Her brushpack has become one of the most popular on Cubebrush which is what landed her December's Seller of the Month. 

Where did your interest in art come from?

Ever since I began drawing as a kid! I really loved drawing dragons and video game characters over and over, haha. I think since then I really wanted to keep going and make characters of my own.

How did you start building your experience? 

Through trial and error and a lot of practice. I discovered what I liked drawing most and just kept going with it. The best way to learn (from my experience) is through studying photos and from artists you admire and to just keep trying!

Which artists do you admire?

I really love Artgerm, kiDChan and Rei_17's work. They've been huge inspirations to me since I was just starting out with digital art and still are. For me I admire their consistency and styles massively and even though there's many people I look up to, those 3 are the artists that have influenced me the most. 

To what do you attribute your success? 

Definitely the support of other people along the way and drawing fan-art of series' I like a lot. Without it I wouldn’t be where I am right now. I’m really grateful for that and hope I can continue to do well.

Can you talk a little bit about your style?

It’s definitely a mixture of things! I’m very influenced by anime, semi-realism and artists I admire. I like to take the painting approach with my work and rarely start with a sketch or lineart.

How does it differ from other artists? 

While I personally feel my style is derivative, I try to explore different ways of interpreting characters. For me I really enjoy going for what I feel appeals to people aesthetically.

What do you do while creating art? Listen to music? Drink coffee? Watch TV? 

Ah! I love having music on while working, it helps keep me motivated for sure. Should really lay off coffee for a while as it makes me nervous, haha. I used to watch a lot of Netflix but find it really distracting when needing to concentrate.

When did you decide to join Cubebrush?

I remember receiving an email invitation to Cubebrush, and while I'd thought about using other sites I quickly grew to love the interface and went from there. I also really appreciate the extra support you guys give back to artists on your social media! 

What is your favorite feature? 

Probably how easy it is to upload files and the option to add Dropbox files as well. There’s still a lot of things I haven’t fully explored yet but I’m excited to use Cubebrush more as time goes on.

What made you decide to create a brush set? What inspired you?

For many artists both new and experienced, experimenting with brushes and settings is vital. We all look for what feels most comfortable to draw and paint with and gaining access to new resources can help with that massively. I feel by releasing them it can help others to find new workflows and inspire them to create their own brushes as they go along.

Any upcoming projects you can talk about? 

Nothing major at the moment! I’m currently just trying to improve my craft and focus on freelance work. We’ll see what happens in 2020!

Where do you want to be 5 years from now? 

I’d like to be in a place where I’m more experienced and confident with my work. There’s a lot of things I need to improve on and different styles I’d like to try. All in all I’m very excited for the future.

Any advice for ambitious artists out there?

Keep at it no matter what! Remember to give your hands and eyes a break every now and then too though. It takes time to get to where you want to be so just take it slow and enjoy what you’re doing!

See more of Viorie's art here:



For more amazing sellers and products check out November's Seller of the Month- Noah Bradly