Launch Credits Expiring!

Launch Credits Expiring!

Remember our launch day nearly a year ago? Has it been this long already!?

If you were with us back then, we ran a promotion giving away store credits as a "thank you" for being a member of our beta - this is a friendly reminder that those credits will be expiring by the end of the year.

All credits will reset to 0 on January 1st 2017.

The good news is that we now have well over 10000 curated assets including tons of tutorials, 2D & 3D assets or all kinds, brushes and tools - there has never been a better time to shop on Cubebrush!

We are working on some really fun features and systems using credits as rewards and we're eager to share those with you early next year.

With our first anniversary just around the corner - expect some big announcements soon as well. There are a lot of exciting things still in store for 2016, it's not over just yet!

-the Cubebrush team