New Features: Invoices, Thumbnails, Navigation

New Features: Invoices, Thumbnails, Navigation

It's been a while since we showed off new features, let's fix that.

We've been working really hard on 2 major features since our launch, on top of a ton of small minor improvements across the board. One of those features is the forum for the community. We've been at it since way before our launch, but it's basically a website of its own so it's a big one. You can expect to see it come online in a few weeks.

The other feature we're not going to talk about yet, but it's coming in just a matter of days - and it's HUGE.

In the meantime, let's take a look at 3 smaller features that are nonetheless quite important!


When you need to generate an invoice for your purchase, you can now do so from your library. Simply click the invoice button, enter the information you want displayed on your invoice and then hit "create invoice". It will generate and download a PDF file of your invoice.

And voila!

Product Thumbnails

As a seller it probably didn't take long for you to notice the ratio for your product cover images and the thumbnails seen on the marketplace are different.

They are both optimized for their respectful location - but still different. As a result this made some of the automatically generated thumbnails look a bit broken. Now, however, you have a new tool to edit your thumbnails.

Here are the steps:

1. Click the top right icon when editing your product

2. Adjust the crop as desired - In this case the text would be cut in half with the default centered crop so I'm moving the box to the left for a better thumbnail

3. Admire your perfect thumbnail


The last feature is a small detail that smooths out navigation a lot. When browsing a store, to close a product you can now press the "esc" key on your keyboard instead of manually pressing the "Close" button in the top right.

That's it for now, more exciting updates coming soon!

-Marc & the Cubebrush team