What is Digital Photo Painting? We Explain

What is Digital Photo Painting? We Explain

You’re probably familiar with digital painting: the blend of traditional artistic techniques with modern technology, typically using software and a graphics tablet. But what if we told you it’s possible to get photorealistic results with just a fraction of the time and training? Introducing digital photo painting, the unique intersection of photography and digital art. Unlike the from-scratch methods you may know, this innovative technique fuses the realism of photography with the expressive intensity of digital painting. 

This article unravels the ins and outs of digital photo painting. We’ll explain the process and why it has captured the attention of digital art beginners and veterans alike. Whether you’re a seasoned digital painter, a keen-eyed photographer, or a newcomer to digital art, this guide will introduce you to the basics of digital photo painting.

What Is Digital Photo Painting?

In contrast to typical digital painting, digital photo painting transforms an existing photograph into an image that appears to be a painting. It’s as if you apply a layer of virtual paint onto a digital photograph, making it realistic and artistically expressive. 

Digital photo painting begins with a photo as the base layer. Imagine this is like a canvas in traditional painting. Using various digital tools and techniques, you can add, modify, and enhance elements in the photograph to create a piece that invokes the fluidity of traditional painting but maintains the clarity and detail of a high-resolution photo. 

Like typical digital painting, the artist uses software to add new layers of digital paint. Adobe Photoshop is far and away the most popular choice for digital photo painting due to its robust features and options. However, the specific tools and workflows can vary greatly depending on the artist’s style and preferences. 

Free and open-source tools like Krita are popular with photo painters on a budget, but many options are available, from Procreate to Corel Painter.

The Digital Photo Painting Process

You’ll begin a digital photo painting by firing up your favorite digital painting software. You can use additional tools like a graphics tablet, but it’s not a strict requirement. After choosing a suitable program, you’ll select a photograph, prepare it for painting, add layers, and finalize it with finishing touches. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the process:

  1. Select a Base Photograph: Begin by selecting a suitable photograph. This image provides a foundation for your painting layer. It could be a portrait, a landscape, or even an abstract—anything that inspires you to create.
  2. Prepare the Photograph: Before you begin painting, you may need to adjust the photograph’s brightness, contrast, and other attributes to better suit your artistic vision. You can duplicate the photo layer before making these adjustments so it’s easier to see what the original image looked like.
  3. Create Layers and Paint: Create new layers on top of the photograph by duplicating them, then use digital brushes to paint over areas you want to transform. The bulk of the work is a detail-intensive process in which you add painterly flourishes to each element.
  4. Add Finishing Touches: You’ll want to ensure your piece is polished. You could add highlights to highlight specific areas, deep shadows to push elements into the background, or rich textures to enhance the style. A quick way to add a finishing touch in Photoshop is by adding a “Hue/Saturation” or “Curves” adjustment layer, which allows you to tweak the colors and contrast without permanently altering your painting layer.

Digital photo painting is art, not science. There’s no one right way to do it. The process can vary widely from artist to artist; the best approach is often the one you’re most comfortable with. 

While this overview provides a basic understanding of the process, following a tutorial is the best way to learn. 

Why Choose Digital Photo Painting?

Digital photo painting might seem like yet another technique that promises to make digital painting easier or faster, but it’s much more than that. It boasts plenty of unique advantages over a from-scratch digital image. Here are just a few reasons you might choose to explore this emerging art form:

  1. Accessibility: Using a photo as the base layer requires less training and knowledge. The barrier for entry is lower, meaning beginners can quickly jump right in.
  2. Creative Expression: Digital photo painting empowers you to get creative outside your routine. Instead of thinking up a subject independently, you’re working with a canvas that talks back and knocks you out of your comfort zone.
  3. Photorealism: Starting with a real photo lets you retain a level of photorealism you might not achieve on your own. Creating photoreal art from scratch is pretty tricky (and time-consuming), but digital photo painting makes it simple.
  4. Jump-Start Learning: Because digital photo painting provides accessible inroads for beginners, it jump-starts the learning process. As you familiarize yourself with the software and methods, you can smoothly transition to more complex techniques.
  5. Endless Possibilities: The universe of digital photo painting is neverending. You’ll start looking at photographs in a new way, thinking up imaginative and provocative ways to bring out their best traits—while invoking a style all your own.

Beginning Your Digital Photo Painting Journey

Starting with digital photo painting is as simple as selecting a photo, loading up your favorite painting app, and following along with a tutorial. Choose an inspiring photo, and you’ll be well on your way. The more you connect with your base image, the more captivating your final result will be. When you show your art to friends, colleagues, and customers, don’t be surprised if they ask you, “What is digital photo painting? And how can I learn to do it, too?”

For digital photo painters who crave more resources, there’s a wealth of knowledge at your disposal. Cubebrush empowers artists of all skill levels and styles with a wide range of tutorials, assets, and tools. 

From choosing the right brush to understanding Photoshop for artists, Cubebrush will support you on the road to artistic mastery.

Dive into digital photo painting with Cubebrush today, and learn to turn photographs into artistic masterpieces!