XP-Pen Artist 22HD Review

XP-Pen Artist 22HD Review

We recently received a new graphics tablet from a somewhat new company called XP-Pen. Today, we're reviewing the Artist 22HD. Whenever we see a new challenger for Wacom in the tablet world, we always get excited.

Wacom has had such a long reign because they have quality products, quality that has so far been unmatched by the competition. This has allowed them to sell their products at prices a lot of artists unfortunately can't afford.

With new young companies appearing left and right, it can be hard to find just the right product for your budget. It's always good news to have more competition, but it also makes it more confusing for the consumer. A lot of them are cheap, but bad. A lot are expensive, but not worth the money. Which one is a good deal?

Let's take a look at the Artist 22HD...

Price: $609


  • Cheapest graphics tablet out of all the ones with similar specs
  • Looks great, well built
  • Stand works very well, stable
  • Good quality IPS panel
  • 2 chargeable pens


  • Driver issues prevent calibration
  • Likely driver related, pen buttons don't work properly
  • Glass surface requires plastic cover otherwise the surface is ripply
  • Glove sticks to the bare glass just as much as skin does
  • Cables are different colors, looks strange
  • The surface gets hot in some spots
  • Extra buttons on the tablet that don't serve any purpose (e.g Volume?)

Overall, we give this tablet a "well worth it" grade. It's not perfect by any means but at 1/3 the price of the Wacom 22", this makes a VERY compelling alternative if your budget can't justify dishing out $1800 on a Cintiq.

Watch the full review below: