An Interview with Clip Studio Paint

An Interview with Clip Studio Paint

Clip Studio Paint is a drawing and painting software that was developed with artists in mind. They wanted it to feel natural. They also aim to create a great experience for all kinds of artists, be it in comics, manga, animation, or design, by providing the perfect tools for them. 

That’s why Clip Studio Paint can be used with the same features on all major platforms, Mac, Windows, Android and iOS devices, so artists can work in the space they are most comfortable with. Here, we learn more about them in this exclusive interview.  

Celsys is the developer of Clip Studio Paint, what is its main focus?

As our slogan “Enjoy creating more.” suggests, we aim to provide apps and services that let creators enjoy their creative activities, no matter what field or level.

What are your favorite products? Why?

The best thing about Clip Studio Paint is that it is available for all kinds of artists. While the PRO version is perfectly equipped with features for drawing and painting, along with everything that makes digital art so convenient such as perspective rulers and 3D drawing figures, the EX-version can do just a little bit more. 

The page management features in Clip Studio Paint EX are perfect not only for creating comics, but also to arrange illustrations for artbooks and portfolios! It’s easy to keep an overview of a whole book and even manage text and descriptions across multiple pages. 

The licenses we are providing for Art War are also compatible with all supported platforms (Win, Mac, iOS and Android), with the same features across all devices. 

Anything new in the works you want to share with us?

We just added a time-lapse feature so people can easily share their progress on social media. We also integrated new Webtoon features that makes arranging and exporting the files for vertical scrolling comics much easier.

And lastly, we added a long-requested feature, which is the ability to import Photoshop brushes (.abr files).

What does a normal day look like?

The Celsys team is currently mostly working from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic, especially the international team. Since most of our work is done online, work has not changed much. We do a lot more online meetings, but even that was quite common in the past as when speaking with artists or partners.

We do hope to be able to meet artists at events again soon.

If an artist were interested in getting in, what’s your advice?

We are always interested in working with artists from all around the world. While a certain skill level is necessary for us to commission artists for banners and key visuals, we also have regular contests for illustrations and tutorials. Check out our TIPS of the month.

For artists who are already putting their work online, we can always recommend putting their work out there and tagging us on social media if they are using our software.

We are always happy to see a variety of work.

Where do you see the art industry going?

In the past, digital art was very much confined to being at home or at the office, and while we are already seeing an increase in the use of digital media on mobile devices, this is likely going to increase even more. 

Drawing and painting digitally on the go is likely to become just as popular as taking a sketchbook with you, which is amazing freedom for artists.

Tell us about one of your biggest wins.

One of the biggest wins recently was probably the release of the Android version of Clip Studio Paint. With that, the software is now available on all major platforms, giving artists the opportunity to work where, when, and how they like.

Why did you decide to participate in Art War?

Art War consistently showcases the amazing talent of the participating artists, so we thought Clip Studio Paint would fit right in. We are really looking forward to what kind of artwork wins this time and hope that the winners will enjoy their prizes.

Any advice for ambitious artists out there?

Please share your art with us!

Show your progress and dare to try new things. 

We can’t wait to see what you make.

Share your work and follow Clip Studio Paint:



