Featured Interview: Vaughan Ling

Featured Interview: Vaughan Ling

It's always humbling to be able to interact with the rock-stars of the art industry and today, once again, we are excited to be chatting with one more.

Vaughan Ling is a multi-faceted freelance artist and instructor working in both 2D and 3D at the highest level and we recently had the pleasure to ask him a few questions about his art and life. Read the full interview below and don't forget to check out the awesome tutorials he's got on his Cubebrush store!

Q. First, could you let us know how you got your start as an artist?

My grandmother got me started with drawing, she paints in watercolor. From there I drew alot in gradeschool and went to a public art magnet school in Miami called DASH. This is where I discovered Industrial design and started to draw seriously. From there, went to school in Detroit for car design and got my first design job at Hotwheels and slowly migrated to working in animation.

Q. On your road to becoming a professional, what was your biggest hurdle and what helped you overcome it?

I had a relatively clear path to art, my parents were on board with it and I was very lucky to attend DASH (probably the only public high school like it in the US).

The commute was about 4 hours a day...two buses and a train, but it was well worth it. I also got cut from the automotive design program in Detroit, but that turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Q. What would you say is the most important quality an artist can have if he/she hopes to make it to the top of the industry?

Consistency/stamina. Pick at it day by day and things will happen.

Q. What would you recommend newcomers focus on for their portfolio?

Focus on the work that makes you most excited. Most likely your job will ask you to repeat what you've done in your portfolio so make sure it's something you'd enjoy repeating.

Q. Crêpes or pancakes?


Q. What kind of non-existing tech do you wish existed for artists/yourself?

Injectable caffeine

Q. Lastly, do you have any big project for 2016 you'd like to share with us?

I'm doing a book of spaceship sketches heavypoly.com

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