Important Store Upgrade

Important Store Upgrade

Since we launched our new fee structure a month ago we've had a ton of positive feedback from our sellers. You guys seem to love sharing your links and profiting from 95% of each sales - the industry's best profit sharing.

Since then we've been debating if it would be a good idea to extend that feature to your entire store on top of your individual products. We've had a number of you request it so we finally decided, what the hell, might as well try it.

Today we're launching the Store Share feature.

From now on, when sharing the link to your store, each purchase made via that link will only be charged a 5% transaction fee. You are still free to share individual product links but you'll also be able to use that new store link for your social profiles everywhere online, knowing you make a maximum of profits each time your audience makes a purchase directly from you.

Copy and share away!

Good news? We think yes.

Let us know your thoughts and happy selling!

-Marc & the Cubebrush team

Not a seller yet? Have awesome content? Apply now!