Private Messages

Private Messages

Private messages are finally here!

We're extremely excited to be launching one of our most requested features ever - Messages.

Starting today, you will be able to contact sellers directly with questions and keep track of conversations as well as discuss privately with other users on the forums.

Below is a quick overview of the new messaging tool.

Messages on the Marketplace

The icon has always been there, but starting today you'll be able to actually use it to contact sellers with your burning questions or feedback.

Clicking on the envelope button will now bring up this message box

You will find the new Messages page sitting next to the Notifications tab where you'll be able to keep track of all your conversations.

Messages on the Forums

On the forums, you will now find the envelope icon on every user's profile card and profile page - allowing you to finally discuss in private.


We have a lot more in store when it comes to messages and can't wait to hear your feedback!

Message away!

-Marc & the Cubebrush team