
1400+ Faces of Wisdom (Old Model Pictures)

Explore the "1400+ Faces of Wisdom' reference picture pack", a curated collection featuring a Repin Academy male model as well as presenting the distinctive features of two female models, capturing the essence of age and wisdom in a diverse and comprehensive manner. Perfect for artists wanting to capture age-related changes, diverse angles, and intricate details like beards and hair under various lighting sources. The captivating portraits showcased in the preview have been skillfully crafted by a graduate of the Repin Academy. Now, you can also elevate your artistry with this invaluable resource, designed to inspire and enhance your portraiture skills.

And remember, if you have any ideas or suggestions for us, you can always contact us via email: [email protected]

Follow Grafit studio on instagram for more art content, behind the scenes & daily studio life:

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Disclaimer: All models in our photoshoots are participating in the process willingly and are being paid fairly for their amazing job. Any intense scenes, nudity, pose choices are being discussed and approved by them. Any of the models' body features, accessories, clothing, tattoos etc. are not meant to infringe upon any beliefs and do not aim to culturally misappropriate elements being presented in the refpacks.

If you want to see more of Ivan Loginov's art - check out his Instagram:

Have a great day guys and stay tuned for upcoming updates!

You will get 2 files

All files previously purchased will always be available for download in your Library

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