Hard Surface
Interior Decoration
Game ready

Modern Washing Machines

High quality washing machines, washboard and sponge. PBR texturing. With LOD1 and LOD2 models. Include clean textures(+ao) and materials. Screens made in Unity 5.

--------Models Details--------


Washing machine 1: LOD0: 3,564 LOD1: 1,521 LOD2: 824

Washing machine 2: LOD0: 1,197 LOD1: 601 LOD2: 308

Washboard: LOD0: 454 LOD1: 276 LOD2: 152

Sponge: LOD0: 176 LOD1: 88 LOD2: 48

Texture resolution: Washing machine 1: 2048x2048 Washing machine 2: 2048x2048 Washboard+Sponge: 1024x1024

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