
Hello, I am a 3d artist from Leicester UK. I use Blender and Gimp which I love to use. The main categories I do is science fiction and fantasy. I had a lot of years growing up on science fiction and fantasy movies. I hope you all enjoy what I upload thank you. I also do NFT's

Earth and its Variants
A collection of high-resolution 3D models of Earth, showcasing different levels of detail and resolutions suitable for various applications in computer graphics.
Earth 10k
Earth 16k
Earth 21k
EarthGlobe 10k
Earth Globe 16k
Earth Globe 21k
Jupiter's Journey
This collection features a series of detailed 3D Jupiter assets, including hyperrealistic textures at multiple resolutions.
Jupiter 4k
Jupiter 6k
Jupiter 8k
Hyperrealistic 4k Jupiter
Hyperrealistic 6k Jupiter
Hyperrealistic 8k Jupiter
Mars and Mercury Exploration
Explore the red and swift planets with this collection of Mars and Mercury 3D models, perfect for sci-fi scenes and educational purposes.
Mars 8k
Mars 21k
Mercury 4k
Mercury 8k
Mercury 11k
Mercury 11k Globe
Lunar Landscapes
A varied collection of Moon 3D models and globes, including a complete Moon collection, offering different resolutions for diverse usage scenarios.
Moon 4k
Moon 8k
Moon 11k
Moon 23k
Moon Collection
MoonGlobe 23k
Miscellaneous Celestial Bodies
This collection groups a variety of celestial body 3D models, including Venus, Saturn, Neptune, and unique fantasy asteroids.
Earth Collection
Sharpened Ring Edged planet
Venus 8k
Saturn 4k
Neptune 2k
Fantasy Asteroid
Assorted Globes and Fantasy Asteroids
A mix of globes from different celestial bodies and imaginative asteroid models, suitable for fantastical space scenes.
MoonGlobe 4k
MoonGlobe 8k
Blue MoonGlobe 11k
Moon Globe 11k
Fantasy Asteroid 2
Fantasy Asteroid 3