Angel Wotzon

a new creator looking to make it big someday...found this place figured it was worth a shot!

Anime Character Collection: Heroes
A selection of anime-style male characters, featuring heroic or everyday personas, perfect for game development and animation projects.
anime boy character -  Alkizine
anime boy character -  Scientist
anime boy character -  Shiro
anime boy character -  Blue Boy
anime boy character -  Goatman
anime boy character -  Rouge
Anime Character Collection: Unique Traits
This collection showcases anime male characters with distinctive traits and occupations, suitable for specialized roles in storytelling and gaming.
anime boy character -  Bissness Suit
anime boy character -  Birdman
anime boy character -  Hipman
anime boy character -  Biker
anime boy character -  Rabbit
anime boy character -  Kitsune
Anime Character Collection: Female Protagonist
Featuring the singular anime girl character, Calia, this collection highlights a female lead ready to be the centerpiece of any creative project.
anime girl character -  Calia
Anime Character Collection: Casual Styles
Focused on casual and relatable anime male characters, this collection is ideal for scenes requiring a touch of everyday life.
anime boy character -  Guy