
Since 2012, SparkleStock has created the best Lightroom presets and Photoshop actions. A number of magazines have featured them, including Advanced Photoshop, Digital Photographer, and Photoshop Creative. They were also featured on Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Add-ons. Their products are loved by

Dynamic Photoshop Brushes
A collection of Photoshop brushes designed to create various effects such as lightning strikes, fire explosions, and watercolor splatters.
180 Electrifying Lightning Strikes
80 Photorealistic Fire Explosions
32 Watercolor Splatters
Photoshop Actions Pack
A diverse set of Photoshop actions for professional photo editing, including dehazing, star filters, skin retouching, and more.
Ultimate Dehaze Pro
8 Star Filter Photoshop Actions
Lens - 20 Vibrant Effects
Matte Pastels
Skin Retouching Actions
Prestalgia - 25 Nostalgic Effects and Light Leaks
Duotone Double Exposures
Random Film Generator Pro
20 Vintage Glow  Photoshop Actions
Geometric & Vibrant Patterns
A collection of colorful and cheerful patterns that bring a modern and geometric aesthetic to any design.
90 Triangulate Backgrounds
30 Cheerful Triangle Patterns
Lightroom Presets for Landscapes
A set of Lightroom presets tailored for enhancing landscape photography, including urban, rural, and natural scenes.
Daydream Lightroom Presets and LUTS
Urban Desaturated Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Canadian Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Blue Nights Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Cinematic Drone Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Epic Thailand Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Cerulean Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Dark Chocolate Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Travel Style Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Chroma Film Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 America Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Colorful Fade Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Cardio Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Purple Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Cinematic Contrast Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Snowscape Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Military Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Vaporwave Neon Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Crema Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Moody Green Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Calgary Lightroom Presets and LUTs
Lightroom Presets for Lifestyle
Curated Lightroom presets perfect for lifestyle and indoor photography, offering bright and cozy tones.
20 Indoor Bright Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Farmhouse Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Palm White Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Tropical Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Otherworldly Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Film Fade Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Eggplant Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Green and Orange Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Lemon Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Paprika Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Golden Retriever Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Midnight Vibe Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Earthy Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Sugar Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Pistachio Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Remembrance Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Forestry Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Wistful Film Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Black Friday Lightroom Presets and LUTs
Travel & Adventure Lightroom Presets
This collection is designed for the travel enthusiast, featuring presets that enhance the colors and mood of travel photos.
Travel Influencer Starter Kit
20 Moody Forest Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Copper Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Surfer Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Victorian Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Millionaire Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Adventurer Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Flamingo Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Romania Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Autumn Moss Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Blue Lagoon Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Sunkissed Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Moody Woods Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Discovery Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Canada Day Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Kelp Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Happy Summer Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Silhouette Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Peanut Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Tactical Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Lavish Luxe Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Passionfruit Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Construction Lightroom Presets & LUTs
20 Baby Blue Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Hong Kong Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Fireworks Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Cruise Vacation Lightroom Presets and LUTs
20 Retro Summer Lightroom Presets and LUTs